Rejected photographs rescued by Sabine Verschueren, Erik Kessels, Hans Wolf, Andre Thijssen.
In the age of digital photography, we become editors of our own photographs, discarding all imperfect results. Wonder is about the end of an era; the time that we all handed over a roll of film at our local photo shop, to return later and see all our memories transfixed on paper. But sometimes there was an unwanted surprise, perhaps the film jammed and 36 holiday pictures were taken on one frame. Maybe a setting skipped, resulting in a strange cropping or a double exposure. Because the photographers discarded the images selected for Wonder, their rescue makes them even more special for all of us to see.
Colour / black & white, 167 x 240 mm, 144 pages, soft cover.
Euro 29
ISBN 978-90-70478-08-7