Design box by Jennifer Skupin.

This compilation comprises a series of experiments, notes on how we humans perceive our world through the pictures we take. Initiated by the creative thinkers of KesselsKramer, it contains both original and found photography.

American Zoo / Anonymous / Bad Food Gone Worse / Bangkok Beauties / Bombay Beauties / Brussels Beauties / Couples / Photo Cubes / Strangers in my Photo Album / Tree Paintings

The 10 cahiers come in a box, including Strangers in my Photo Album and Bad Food Gone Worse, both sold out in all stores.

Books are signed by editors Ewoudt Boonstra, Erik Kessels, René Nuijens and Jennifer Skupin.

Colour / black & white, 185 x 240 x 55 mm, 10 signed books in box with numbered insert, edition of 50.

Euro 175